An enchanting tale of a miniature girl finding her place in the big wide world.
Brought to life through dance, live music and song, Thumbelina is a gentle and playful performance with the beauty of the natural world at its heart. Children are invited to take part in Thumbelina’s journey, build a shelter from sticks and escape with her from a hungry toad. Through their play Thumbelina gains the strength to carry on and make it safely home.
“I absolutely can’t recommend this enough! It’s a beautiful interactive performance piece for kids that’s been devised in such a mindful way. Gentle, creative, and collaborative – such a special show!” – Audience Feedback
For children aged 3-8 and their grown ups.
Running time: 1 hour, including interactive play.
Thumbelina toured to over 30 venues during 23/24, including as part of the Rural Touring Dance Initiative. Please get in touch to enquire about booking: