Immersive worlds in which skilled artists and audiences of all ages interact through dance and music to bring stories to life.

Speedwell Dance has a reputation for high quality, truly interactive performances in settings which are accessible to wide ranging and diverse audiences. Our work is co-created through playful processes in which children and exceptional dancers and musicians come together to create. 

The Mountain Witch and Thumbelina are our current touring productions. We run regular sessions for families, adults and professionals in Leeds. Our creative processes begin with families and we are always keen to hear from community and arts organisations with similar values to work in partnership with.

  • “Their performers engage young people and involve them in the creative process effortlessly. Inviting local school groups and families to Speedwell's performances has enhanced our community outreach work.”

    Interplay Theatre

  • "The inclusive approach was evident in creating an environment where everyone could participate and feel included. Speedwell demonstrated a commitment to creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere"

    Scope Inclusivity Award Assessor

  • "Speedwell’s workshop in our Library was really great. Toddlers, grandparents, mums and dads and adults with additional needs all had a fabulous time singing, dancing, and hopping around the room together! "

    Bradford Libraries

  • "The inclusion of different spoken and sung languages was a great fit at our school where many different languages are spoken. The music particularly resonated with some of the Eastern European children who enjoyed hearing its familiar sound"

    Primary School Headteacher

  • "Lovely to see such skillful considered work for this age group in a tiny local space."

    Rural Touring